Wednesday webinar at one: Emotional intelligence – a secret superpower to get ahead

Wednesday 09 February 2022 | 13:00 - 13:40 | Webinar

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is increasingly recognised as being the crucial factor in having a successful career and life. 71% of employers surveyed by CareerBuilder said they value EQ over IQ, reporting that employees with high emotional intelligence are more likely to stay calm under pressure, resolve conflict effectively, and respond to co-workers with empathy.

The good news is that emotional intelligence is something that everyone can develop and improve. This webinar will look at exactly what comprises EQ and how you can develop in each aspect of it. Nicola Hainey, Head of Coaching and Leadership Development at MSB Executive will help you:

  • Understand what makes EQ more powerful than IQ
  • Understand what constitutes EQ (there’s more to it than you think!)
  • Techniques to immediately improve your own EQ

Where recordings are made, these are a member benefit that are accessed through the member-only platform, CFA UK Discover.


Registration: 12:55

Event: 13:00 - 13:40 


Nicola Hainey, Head of Coaching and Leadership Development, MSB Executive

Nicola Hainey is Head of Coaching and Leadership Development at financial communication skills specialists MSB Executive. She is a qualified and experienced professional performance coach and NLP practitioner. Having previously spent over a decade working in strategic roles within the banking sector, she understands well the demands and pressures her clients face. She is passionate about enhancing human skills in business.

Nicola has extensive experience coaching individuals and teams for large multinational banks and consultancies including HSBC, Accenture and Deloitte as well as a variety of UK asset management companies.

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