CFA UK and CAIA joint event: Tokenization of alternative investments 2022

Friday 06 May 2022 | 12:30 - 14:00 | Lunch Event

This event has been jointly organised by CFA UK & CAIA. Please note, this will be an in-person event.

Tokenization approaches have vast potential for addressing the challenges related to investment in illiquid asset classes. In this session, Keith Black, CFA, CAIA, Managing and Program Director of the FDP Institute will discuss the advantages of tokenization as alternative investments, these include:

  • Improved liquidity
  • Faster, cheaper transactions
  • Greater transparency
  • Broadened access to more investors

Keith will challenge the idea that while increased liquidity should be generally beneficial, the industry and its regulators must continue to ensure that investors are equipped to understand the quality and risks inherent in each tokenized investment.

He will look at how tokenization could increase access to alternative investments for a wider group of investors. Also how it presents an opportunity to unlock retail assets as an important source of capital to meet financing gaps of meaningful projects (such as infrastructure) in private markets.


Registration: 12:30

Event: 12:35 - 13:30

Networking: 13:30 - 14:00

CPD Points:  1.00


Keith Black, CFA, CAIA, Managing Director, Program Director, FDP Institute

Keith Black, CFA, CAIA, has over thirty years of financial market experience, serving approximately half of that time as an academic and half as a trader and consultant to institutional investors.

He currently serves as Managing Director and Program Director for the FDP Institute. He previously was the Managing Director of Content Strategy at the CAIA Association, where he was a co-author of the second, third, and fourth editions of the level I and II CAIA curriculum. At Ennis Knupp + Associates, Keith advised foundations, endowments and pension funds on their asset allocation and manager selection strategies in hedge funds, commodities, and managed futures.

Prior experience includes commodities derivatives trading, stock options research and Cboe floor trading, and building quantitative stock selection models for mutual funds and hedge funds. Keith previously served as an assistant professor and senior lecturer at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

He has contributed to the CFA Digest, and has published in The Journal of Wealth Management, The Journal of Trading, The Journal of Investing, and The Journal of Alternative Investments, among others.

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