Jun 2024 » Climate Change

Sustainability Conference 2024 - What We Learned

Jun 2024 » ESG

Investing for Tomorrow's Environment

May 2024 » Technology

From Zero to Hero - A Data Scientist's Guide to Hardware Part 2

Mar 2024 » Technology

From Zero to Hero - A Data Scientist's Guide to Hardware

Nov 2023 » Technology

A walk through generative AI & LLMs: prospects and challenges

Sep 2023 » People

“The harder I work, the luckier I get”

Sep 2023 » Investments

The ascent of primary research

Sep 2023 » Investments

Investment Opportunities in Biotechnology

Sep 2023 » Climate Change

Are hedge funds stepping up on climate transition?

Aug 2023 » Inclusion and Diversity

DEI in real estate: a personal experience

Aug 2023 » People

Ask Liz - How do I negotiate a pay rise?

Aug 2023 » Investments

Value for money: a more holistic approach is needed

Aug 2023 » Investments

The path to regulation for digital assets

Jul 2023 » Technology

Thriving cities will be those most capable of adapting to change

Jul 2023 » Asset management

Innovation and Asset Management

Jul 2023 » ESG

Can asset owners save the world from a biodiversity crisis?

Jul 2023 » ESG

Navigating the race up the renewables S curve

Jul 2023 » Economics

Focus on fundamentals as ‘free money’ era ends

Jul 2023 » People

“Don’t be afraid to involve yourself in as much as you can”

Jun 2023 » People

How do I deal with culture clash? - Ask Liz

Jun 2023 » LGBT

“There are no openly LGBT+ people leading a FTSE100 company”

Jun 2023 » Investments

Finding the right strategy in difficult markets

Jun 2023 » Investments

Multi-strategy hedge funds grow in popularity, but are they right for you?

Jun 2023 » Investments

Getting Back to Basics

May 2023 » Wellbeing

Tackling mental health and wellbeing in the workplace

May 2023 » Investments

The Future of Investment Research

May 2023 » Investments

Fixed Income: Fundamentals and the Fed

Apr 2023 » Investments

Is decentralisation the future?

Apr 2023 » Investments

Cutting through the hype: a realistic assessment of sustainability

Apr 2023 » ESG

Getting to Grips with Climate Change

Apr 2023 » Investments

Growing opportunities in the space economy

Mar 2023 » ESG

Voluntary carbon markets are facing a credibility crisis

Mar 2023 » Investments

Concerns over business cultures raise questions in manager selection

Mar 2023 » Technology

ChatGPT3: The unexpected virtue of ignorance

Mar 2023 » Investments

Shining a light on financial literacy

Mar 2023 » Investments

The Evolving World of Investment Research

Mar 2023 » ESG

Is climate investing too subjective?

Mar 2023 » ESG

Embedding sustainability into CFA UK’s DNA

Mar 2023 » ESG

CFA UK's new Sustainability Community looks to move the needle for investment sector talent

Mar 2023 » People

How do I advocate for myself? - Ask Liz

Feb 2023 » ESG

Market initiatives are increasing the availability of data

Feb 2023 » Investments

What you need to know about retirement

Feb 2023 » People

CFA UK congratulates our new CFA Charterholders

Feb 2023 » ESG

The problem with growth managers? Not enough energy!

Feb 2023 » Technology

Adoption of Finance Libraries: Pros and Cons

Feb 2023 » People

The Future of the Workplace

Jan 2023 » People

Launching a fintech from scratch: 'it was a baptism of fire'

Jan 2023 » Investments

Making Money From Trees

Jan 2023 » Investments

From the archive: Square Mile Scams

Jan 2023 » Ethics

How can you determine the right ethical choice on ESG?

Jan 2023 » Professionalism

What does the year hold on policy?

Jan 2023 » Professionalism

Rules Versus Principles Based Regulation

Dec 2022 » ESG

An Interview with The Pensions Regulator’s David Fairs

Dec 2022 » Ethics

A round up of CFA UK advocacy responses in 2022

Dec 2022 » ESG

5 things you need to know to be climate capable

Nov 2022 » People

Building a more equitable profession

Nov 2022 » People

Achieving sustainability in the private rental sector

Nov 2022 » Investments

Is bitcoin investment a waste of energy?

Nov 2022 » People

The investment implications of demographic change

Nov 2022 » People

CFA UK Welcomes over 450 new CFA Charterholders in 2022

Nov 2022 » Investments

Can Cryptocurrencies be Sustainable?

Oct 2022 » Investments

Can Childhood Trauma Impact Investment Performance?

Oct 2022 » People

What to do when your workload is unsustainable - Ask Liz

Oct 2022 » People

"Challenge yourself but recognise that your career doesn’t have to be a race”

Oct 2022 » People

Young Women in Investment Program showcases diverse talent

Oct 2022 » Wellbeing

Mental Health and the City

Sep 2022 » Investments

From the archives: An Economic Sheikh Up

Sep 2022 » Ethics

'Side-pockets' for funds with suspended and sanctioned assets

Sep 2022 » ESG

Integrating ESG into UK capital markets

Sep 2022 » Investments

Geopolitical Risk and the Investment Landscape

Sep 2022 » Climate Change

Is legislation hampering the move to net zero?

Sep 2022 » Gender Diversity

Now is the time for male allies to step up

Sep 2022 » Technology

Generating Alpha using NLP Insights and Machine Learning

Sep 2022 » ESG

Listed Equity Funds: From ESG to SDG through engagement

Aug 2022 » Behavioural Finance

Behavioural finance and playing tennis: Evolving approaches

Aug 2022 » People

How to handle redundancy negotiations? Ask Liz

Aug 2022 » Investments

The evolution of the GP-led market

Aug 2022 » ESG

Decolonising the ESG Narrative

Aug 2022 » ESG

A decade of social impact investing

Jul 2022 » Data science

Building your data science skill-set

Jul 2022 » ESG

Tackling the diversity greenwash

Jul 2022 » Investments

The investment case for retirement housing

Jul 2022 » ESG

Now’s our chance to speed up the transition

Jul 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

Building momentum for equity in DEI

Jun 2022 » ESG

The challenges of building a sustainable real estate portfolio

Jun 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

Setting the tone from the top on DEI

Jun 2022 » Analysis

A systematic approach to investing in emerging markets

Jun 2022 » People

“It’s really important to me that as well as being fund managers and investors, we give back”

Jun 2022 » People

Celebrating our volunteers

Jun 2022 » Charity

A spotlight on our volunteers

May 2022 » Investments

DeFi and the changing landscape of crypto investments

May 2022 » Investments

Ethics Book Club: Anthro Vision by Gillian Tett

May 2022 » People

CFA UK congratulates our new CFA Charterholders

May 2022 » Technology

Factoring Qualitative Views into Portfolio Insights via Machine Learning

May 2022 » Climate Change

Could active managers raise the bar when running climate-focused funds?

May 2022 » People

“With privilege comes the responsibility to give back”

May 2022 » Gender Diversity

The investment industry needs to do more to recruit senior women: Here’s how

Apr 2022 » Climate Change

Where next for ESG?

Apr 2022 » Analysis

Navigating international headwinds in Islamic asset management

Apr 2022 » People

I need management experience but I don’t know where to get It from. Ask Liz

Apr 2022 » Analysis

5 Waves Reconfiguring Asset Management

Apr 2022 » People

CFA UK congratulates our new CFA Charterholders

Mar 2022 » People

‘In this role you are an advocate for your client’

Mar 2022 » Analysis

The renaissance of European securitisations

Mar 2022 » Technology

How technology is transforming and unlocking real estate asset classes

Mar 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

Breaking the bias

Mar 2022 » Technology

Man+Machine: The role of patents and IP valuation in a data-driven investment process

Mar 2022 » Investments

The investment implications of the metaverse

Feb 2022 » Climate Change

Upskilling the investment profession with climate knowledge

Feb 2022 » Investments

Q&A: Is space a new investible asset class?

Feb 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

“COP26 wasn’t a disaster, but it wasn’t really the world coming together either”

Feb 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

Measuring progress on race and ethnicity across financial services 

Feb 2022 » Economy

Q&A: Managing uncertainty in 2022

Jan 2022 » Inclusion and Diversity

"Being humble really helps to keep investors open minded to observing change"

Jan 2022 » Ethics

Undue influence

Jan 2022 » Ethics

Ethics in the Real World: Complex products

Jan 2022 » Economics

The fourth agricultural revolution in modern history has begun

Jan 2022 » Gender Diversity

Why are women still underrepresented in portfolio management?

Jan 2022 » Analysis

What’s ahead for 2022?

Dec 2021 » Technology

AI is shaping a sustainable investment future

Dec 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

The Bank of England’s Workplace Adjustments Passport

Dec 2021 » Gender Diversity

Girls making big GAINs in investment with inclusion

Dec 2021 » Careers

My Colleague Is Making More Money Than Me. What Should I Do? Ask Liz...

Dec 2021 » Asset Owners

International Small Caps Offer Opportunities Amid Macro Challenges

Nov 2021 » Investments

Asset Managers Are Expanding Their Digital Communications

Nov 2021 » Asset management

Having always managed mandates on behalf of pensions, I am now seeing the other side of that coin

Nov 2021 » Analysis

Brandes Essay Competition winner 2021

Nov 2021 » Analysis

Navigating the risk in emerging market debt

Oct 2021 » From the Archive

From the archives: the limits of competition

Oct 2021 » Black Professionals

Black pioneers and their pathways that have positively impacted the financial industry

Oct 2021 » Climate Change

Addressing climate change through a public-private partnership

Oct 2021 » Careers

How hybrid working can help companies be more inclusive

Oct 2021 » ESG

Investment consultants target net zero

Oct 2021 » Analysis

Man+Machine – The evolution of fundamental scoring models and ML implications

Oct 2021 » ESG

Building a more sustainable food system

Sep 2021 » Ethics

Putting ethics first

Sep 2021 » ESG

Greenwashing fears run deep for investors

Sep 2021 » Climate Change

Forestry as a climate solutions asset class

Sep 2021 » Asset management

China focused asset managers will benefit as global investors seek more exposure

Sep 2021 » ESG

Stewardship in the limelight

Sep 2021 » Technology

PropTech is future-proofing the world around us

Aug 2021 » Ethics

Ethics in the Real World: A positive spin

Aug 2021 » Technology

Crypto contagion? Assessing risks for short-term credit markets from stablecoins

Aug 2021 » Ethics

Protecting your clients

Aug 2021 » ESG

SRI and Performance: A long-term winner

Aug 2021 » Asset management

How to hire the right asset management talent

Aug 2021 » Technology

Central Bank Digital Currency is too important to be left to central banks

Jul 2021 » Ethics

Facing ethical challenges in a changing world

Jul 2021 » Careers

How can I get more flexible hours without impacting my career? Ask Liz

Jul 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

You learn more when things go wrong than when they go right

Jul 2021 » Gender Diversity

It's time to address the financial vulnerabilities facing women

Jul 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

Why we need to talk about race in financial services

Jul 2021 » Economy

Inflation: likely transitory, but still a source of worry

Jun 2021 » Careers

How to thrive in a hybrid work world

Jun 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

Diversity trends in leadership and ESG investing

Jun 2021 » LGBT

The City of London has made strides on inclusion and diversity, but there is more to do

Jun 2021 » Careers

Using levy transfers to boost London apprenticeships

Jun 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

What I Know Is...

May 2021 » Ethics

Ethics in the Real World: A conflict of interest

May 2021 » Climate Change

Addressing climate considerations in portfolio management

May 2021 » Ethics

A positive spin

May 2021 » Asset management

Five things every asset management business should consider

May 2021 » Culture

Embracing corporate kindness

May 2021 » Technology

MiCA: A “beta version” of crypto-assets regulation in the EU

May 2021 » Technology

Embracing machine learning to tackle portfolio optimisers limitations

May 2021 » Climate Change

From the Archives

May 2021 » Wellbeing

Head and heart: How stress affects investment decision making

Apr 2021 » Culture

Working fast and slow

Apr 2021 » Technology

No Mr Musk, Bitcoin is not cash

Apr 2021 » People

CIO Profile: Marino Valensise CFA

Apr 2021 » Climate Change

What investors can learn from Bill Gates’ climate warning

Apr 2021 » People

CIO Profile: Tatjana Puhan

Apr 2021 » Data science

Telling stories with numbers

Apr 2021 » ESG

Oil and gas: to divest or to engage, that is the question

Apr 2021 » Technology

The rise of the robots

Mar 2021 » Careers

How do I get noticed at work? Ask Liz

Mar 2021 » Fintech

New rules of searching houses after COVID-19

Mar 2021 » Asset management

Millennial influences signal a sea change in asset management

Mar 2021 » ESG

When an irresistible force meets an immutable object

Mar 2021 » Gender Diversity

Women in financial services: A case for closing gaps

Mar 2021 » Gender Diversity

Women speak out

Mar 2021 » Inclusion and Diversity

Why the investment industry should care about domestic violence

Mar 2021 » ESG

Emerging markets ESG fixed income strategies have passed their first stress test

Feb 2021 » Ethics

A conflict of interest?

Feb 2021 » Careers

The future of careers in asset management

Feb 2021 » socio-economic inclusion

Marginal differences matter to those at the margins

Feb 2021 » Gender Diversity

Q&A with Virginie Maisonneuve, CFA

Feb 2021 » Investments

An innovative approach to value investing

Feb 2021 » Economy

Monetary policy effects in times of negative interest rates

Feb 2021 » Ethics

Ethics in the Real World: It's who you know, not what you know

Feb 2021 » ESG

Why your green portfolio might need a greenhouse

Jan 2021 » Technology

A jigsaw puzzle for AI ethics owners

Jan 2021 » Neurodiversity

Is Neurodiversity the next paradigm shift in Inclusion and Diversity?

Jan 2021 » Analysis

Top five themes for asset management in 2021

Jan 2021 » Ethics

CFA UK Ethics Working Group launches ethics challenge

Jan 2021 » COVID-19

Asset management after Covid-19

Jan 2021 » Wellbeing

Five ways to improve resilience at work

Jan 2021 » Technology

Three ingredients for fixed income asset managers to be part of the digital transformation

Jan 2021 » Investments

Are digital assets an institutional asset class?

Jan 2021 » Equity funds

US active equity mutual funds’ performance and flows under COVID-19

Dec 2020 » Investments

Addressing the cashflow conundrum

Dec 2020 » Technology

Understanding limitations of machine learning models and alternative data

Dec 2020 » Black Professionals

Inclusion and Diversity Spotlight: Lindsey Stewart, CFA

Dec 2020 » Ethics

Ethics Steering Committee Book Club

Dec 2020 » LGBT

The Bank of England’s Out and Proud Charter

Dec 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

To give every student the privilege of a private school network

Dec 2020 » Opinion

Asset managers need to communicate better

Dec 2020 » Economy

Negative Rates & Negative Interest Rate Policy (NIRP)

Dec 2020 » People

Three-Minute CEO: Tim Cruttenden, ASIP, Chief Executive Officer, VenCap

Dec 2020 » Asset management

Chinese investment management: the promises and pitfalls for international investment managers

Nov 2020 » Gender Diversity

Good practice for gender advocates in asset management

Nov 2020 » COVID-19

Building high performing teams in a virtual environment

Nov 2020 » ESG

How corporate governance factors can influence financial performance

Nov 2020 » Opinion

Winner of CFA UK and Brandes Essay competition 2020

Nov 2020 » Opinion

CFA UK and Brandes Essay Competition 2020 runner up essay

Nov 2020 » ESG

Asset managers still slow on climate change

Nov 2020 » ESG

Green bonds: ESG, sustainable or impact investments?

Nov 2020 » Ethics

It’s who you know. Not what you know

Nov 2020 » Politics

From the Archives: The stock market response to voter opinion polls

Oct 2020 » Black Professionals

Advancing black leaders in the industry

Oct 2020 » Black Professionals

Inclusion and Diversity Spotlight: Didier Lambert, CFA

Oct 2020 » Black Professionals

Inclusion and Diversity Spotlight: Norbert Fullerton

Oct 2020 » Analysis

Why research is the foundation of alpha

Oct 2020 » ESG

Why the asset management industry needs to pay more attention to biodiversity

Oct 2020 » Economy

John Kay talks greed, politics, Covid-19 and climate change

Oct 2020 » People

3 minute interview: John Vail

Oct 2020 » Careers

I am young, how can I advance my career in a virtual world? Ask Liz

Sep 2020 » Careers

The rules of transitioning

Sep 2020 » COVID-19

Why this is the worst recession of our lifetime

Sep 2020 » Wellbeing

How to improve your mental well being while working from home

Sep 2020 » Asset Owners

How pension funds should invest in difficult times

Sep 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Anne Richards, CEO of Fidelity talks about inclusion and diversity

Sep 2020 » Careers

Got a problem? Ask Liz

Sep 2020 » Inclusion and Diversity

Applying lessons from behavioural finance to inclusion and diversity

Aug 2020 » People

Moving towards a systems framework for investing

Aug 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

How can data analytics be used to make a positive social impact?

Aug 2020 » COVID-19

Asset management after Covid-19: Irreversible change or back to where we left off?

Aug 2020 » People

Asset managers need to do more on governance

Jul 2020 » ESG

Five ESG investing takeaways from the Covid-19 crisis

Jul 2020 » Careers

Career Dilemmas: How to write your CV in a changing investment market

Jul 2020 » Analysis

Digitising investment management is no longer an option

Jul 2020 » ESG

Climate change issues need to be incorporated in financial reporting

Jul 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Why social inclusion matters?

Jul 2020 » People

3 minute interview: When the next crisis hits, the cavalry won't come to the rescue

Jul 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Coronavirus and how it complicates social inclusion

Jun 2020 » LGBT

Angela Darlington, CEO of Aviva UK Life, opens up about being gay, Pride and diversity

Jun 2020 » COVID-19

Training, building rapport and motivating others the virtual way

Jun 2020 » Opinion

It's time to press the reset button on Anglo American hypercapitalism ideology

Jun 2020 » ESG

Covid-19: Does ESG matter?

Jun 2020 » Careers

The skills you need to future proof your finance career

Jun 2020 » Culture

Leading in troubled times

Jun 2020 » COVID-19

Juggling family life working from home and dealing with clients around the world

Jun 2020 » COVID-19

Covid-19: Anatomy of ethical risk

Jun 2020 » Gender Diversity

Trailblazers, risk-savers, impact-makers: Women in ESG

Jun 2020 » ESG

Looking back to the future

Jun 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Helping to break down inclusion and diversity barriers in the investment industry

Jun 2020 » Culture

Building sustainable investment culture

May 2020 » Cybersecurity

Investors need to pressure boards to embrace cybersecurity as a strategic issue

May 2020 » COVID-19

The world could be looking at a global depression if we don’t contain the virus

May 2020 » COVID-19

How the crisis brought a fresh set of challenges for our Codes & Standards

May 2020 » COVID-19

What Covid-19 means for accurate company reporting

May 2020 » Gender Diversity

Returning to the fund management industry: Lessons from practitioners

May 2020 » COVID-19

Post Covid-19, impact investing will become even more important

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

Working from home in the strict world of trading and motivating others

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

How asset owners are coping with the challenges of Covid-19

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

'Trading right now is much more difficult and much more expensive'

Apr 2020 » Careers

Career Dilemmas: What to do when no one wants to talk to you?

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

How the industry has been reacting to the pandemic

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

The winners and losers in the asset management industry following Covid-19

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

'We don’t yet know for how long revenues will be lower'

Apr 2020 » Macroeconomics

After market free fall, what happens next?

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

'This is not just about investing in the right companies, but about systemic risk as well'

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

How ESG analysts are adapting to this crisis

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

How could Covid-19 change the Certificate in ESG Investing?

Apr 2020 » People

What the crisis has shown asset managers: Industry leaders speak out

Apr 2020 » Careers

I’m working from home, and I’m a parent. What are my rights? Ask Liz…

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

‘You need to rethink the whole world and need to rethink how pharmaceuticals are going to fit into that world’

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

Coping with self-isolation: Danger and opportunity, a tale from Wuhan

Apr 2020 » Asset Owners

Time is the enemy: 1917 or 2020?

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

Scrutiny over the investment industry to increase following COVID-19

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

'People have been selling what they can rather than what they should'

Apr 2020 » Careers

Ask Liz: Can I be a good boss and a good friend at the same time?

Apr 2020 » COVID-19

Now could be a good time to join the financial sector, despite the trauma

Mar 2020 » COVID-19

'We are entering the biggest recession we have seen in our lifetime'

Mar 2020 » Technology

RegTech changing how financial firms evaluate risk

Mar 2020 » COVID-19

What the markets are still underestimating about COVID-19?

Mar 2020 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Behavioural finance and economics

Mar 2020 » Careers

Career Dilemmas: how do I move roles within my firm?

Mar 2020 » People

Boutique corner: What does it take to build an asset management business from the ground up ?

Mar 2020 » ESG

Is the investment community doing enough on impact?

Mar 2020 » People

Profile Anna Macdonald, CFA

Mar 2020 » Behavioural Finance

Narcissism and overconfident investor

Mar 2020 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Performance Resistance

Feb 2020 » Ethics

CFA UK Code Standards and Regulations and their respective roles in ensuring good conduct

Feb 2020 » People

3-minute CEO, Marie Dzanis

Feb 2020 » Opinion

Should central banks join the fight against climate change

Feb 2020 » Fintech

How to apply machine learning in financial markets

Feb 2020 » Partner Programme

Why are Inclusion and Diversity a fundamental business imperative?

Feb 2020 » LGBT

The power of LGBT role models and allies

Feb 2020 » Fintech

Challenges in applying machine learning to finance

Feb 2020 » People

3-minute interview: Gary Baker, CFA

Feb 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Breaking the socio-economic glass ceiling

Feb 2020 » From the Archive

From the Archives are qualifications really necessary?

Feb 2020 » Fintech

Machine learning in financial markets

Jan 2020 » Opinion

What Malcolm Gladwell can teach investors about fund manager skill, and other investment matters

Jan 2020 » Opinion

Five new CFA UK Fellows views on the future of the industry

Jan 2020 » socio-economic inclusion

Is class the last glass ceiling?

Jan 2020 » ESG

Top five priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050

Jan 2020 » Investments

Money market funds’ liquidity risk management frameworks offer insights for other open-end funds

Jan 2020 » Macroeconomics

Risk to markets come from political distrust not central banks

Jan 2020 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Reservations concerning efficient markets hypothesis

Jan 2020 » Ethics

The webpage we should all be very mindful of, and what we can do about it

Jan 2020 » Behavioural Finance

Pay secrecy

Jan 2020 » Gender Diversity

There are more funds run by Daves than by women

Jan 2020 » Opinion

Solving the investment communications paradox

Dec 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Can Europe continue to attract invest?

Dec 2019 » Partner Programme

Why does inclusion and diversity lead to better outcomes for investors and greater investment success for individuals?

Dec 2019 » Partner Programme

Why do we have a responsibility to further encourage diversity in the workplace across the industry ?

Dec 2019 » Economy

Uncertainty and the economy

Dec 2019 » Partner Programme

An insight into the Partner Programme outcome

Dec 2019 » Partner Programme

An insight into the Partner Programme outcome

Dec 2019 » ESG

What is the future for ESG investing?

Dec 2019 » Investments

Why we need investment into smart city infrastructure

Dec 2019 » People

3 minute CEO Tim Hodgson, ASIP

Dec 2019 » ESG

First thoughts on the Certificate in ESG Investing

Dec 2019 » Careers

Got a problem? Ask Liz

Dec 2019 » Opinion

The second order impacts of artificial intelligence

Nov 2019 » ESG

Researching approaches to responsible investment

Nov 2019 » Careers

Got a problem? Ask Liz

Nov 2019 » From the Archive

From the archives: Human capital in the financial services

Nov 2019 » ESG

How ESG will change the workforce

Nov 2019 » Opinion

How AI is helping the financial sector solve business problems

Nov 2019 » People

CFA UK congratulates our new CFA Charterholders

Nov 2019 » LGBT

Why LGBT+ equality and inclusion are critical for our industry?

Nov 2019 » People

Profile Charlotte Wood

Nov 2019 » ESG

The value of ESG analysis

Oct 2019 » Opinion

Winner of CFA UK and Brandes Essay competition 2019

Oct 2019 » ESG

The investment industry should do more on climate change says Mark Carney

Oct 2019 » Opinion

The rise and rise of alternative data

Oct 2019 » Behavioural Finance

Physician heal thyself

Oct 2019 » ESG

ESG in the media: What's in a name?

Oct 2019 » Ethics

Ethics are evolving in asset management

Oct 2019 » ESG

Green bonds need not be niche but are often misunderstood

Oct 2019 » Careers

Got a problem? Ask Liz

Oct 2019 » From the Archive

From the archives: October is a dangerous month

Oct 2019 » ESG

No such thing as ESG correctness

Sep 2019 » Fintech

How fintech is changing client experiences

Sep 2019 » Opinion

Upping the ante

Sep 2019 » ESG

Incorporating an ESG lens to future-proof your talent pool

Sep 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Forecasting and investment analysis

Sep 2019 » ESG

Shifting the conversation from 'Why' to 'How'?

Sep 2019 » ESG

Importance of a non-prescriptive approach to ESG

Sep 2019 » Opinion

Blockchain based finance grows up

Sep 2019 » Behavioural Finance

Group polarisation and risky decisions

Sep 2019 » ESG

Something you need to know about ESG

Aug 2019 » Behavioural Finance

Why we are not Odysseus

Aug 2019 » Opinion

Building a data-driven investment culture

Aug 2019 » People

Profile Robin Martin, CFA

Aug 2019 » Careers

Ask Liz: How to wow at job interviews?

Aug 2019 » From the Archive

From the archives: Ethical investments: A growing awareness

Aug 2019 » People

3 minute CEO Mitesh Sheth

Jul 2019 » ESG

What the 'prisoner's dilemma' tells us about climate change

Jul 2019 » Gender Diversity

Why are there so few women in asset management, and why does it matter?

Jul 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Banking supervision in Europe: is a new system required?

Jul 2019 » Careers

Celebrating 25 years of the IMC

Jul 2019 » Careers

Ask Liz: When to switch roles and where to start if you have limited experience?

Jul 2019 » Investments

Are Chinese unicorns the next big thing?

Jun 2019 » Gender Diversity

Why motherhood has made me re-evaluate my career

Jun 2019 » Opinion

Don’t optimise, satisfice!

Jun 2019 » Opinion

The beta that Betty bought

Jun 2019 » People

3 minute CEO: David Witzer

Jun 2019 » Opinion

Seasons, natural disasters and perfect storms

Jun 2019 » Careers

Ask Liz: What can you do when you feel you’re burning out?

Jun 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Is the biggest fall to come?

May 2019 » Charity

CFA UK launches charity trusteeships initiative

May 2019 » ESG

5 steps to help trustees navigate their ESG responsibilities

May 2019 » ESG

ESG investing: putting theory into practice

May 2019 » People

22 examples of share price disasters

May 2019 » Ethics

CFA UK Launches Ethics Book Club

May 2019 » People

3 minute CEO: Helen Thomas

May 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Some thoughts on ‘higgledy piggledy’ growth

May 2019 » Investments

What your personal decision-making style says about you

May 2019 » ESG

CFA UK’s launch of new qualification puts ESG at the heart of the investment process

May 2019 » People

Brothers in arms

Apr 2019 » Behavioural Finance

Emotional finance and value investing

Apr 2019 » Careers

Ask Liz: How to handle large personalities, and when going back to university makes sense

Apr 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives

Apr 2019 » People

3 minute CEO: Ian Cadby

Mar 2019 » Careers

Got a problem? Ask Liz

Mar 2019 » Investments

The dark side of investment management failure

Mar 2019 » Opinion

The implications of flexible working for investors

Mar 2019 » Behavioural Finance

Using psychology to support performance

Mar 2019 » People

3 minute CEO: Tony Dalwood

Mar 2019 » People

Ten questions for...

Mar 2019 » socio-economic inclusion

Benefits of encouraging students from low socio economic backgrounds

Feb 2019 » People

Investment industry should focus on providing value to society, says Daniel Murray, CFA

Feb 2019 » Opinion

Why we are still stuck in the use case phase of DLT?

Feb 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives: Building a better profession

Feb 2019 » Opinion

Do pension funds need to become more climate friendly?

Feb 2019 » People

Profile Elena Koycheva CFA

Feb 2019 » ESG

Bridging the skills gap in responsible investing

Feb 2019 » People

Profile Lucy Walker CFA

Feb 2019 » People

Learning from being a mentor

Jan 2019 » Analysis

A time for relative reassessment

Jan 2019 » People

Profile Marie Lassegnore CFA

Jan 2019 » From the Archive

From the Archives

Jan 2019 » People

Profile Stephanie Kelly IMC

Jan 2019 » Careers

Changing industry, changing skill-set

Jan 2019 » Opinion

Why we need better company reporting

Dec 2018 » People

Profile Gillian Elcock

Dec 2018 » Portfolio Management

Goliath funds

Dec 2018 » Gender Diversity

The investment profession needs to go further on Diversity and Inclusion

Dec 2018 » People

CFA Charity

Dec 2018 » People

Profile Mike Zelouf CFA

Nov 2018 » Analysis

Measuring the added value of stock recommendations

Nov 2018 » People

CFA UK congratulates our new CFA Charterholders

Nov 2018 » ESG

EPA cuts could bite into the effectiveness of ESG scores

Nov 2018 » People

3 minute CEO: Theo Kocken

Oct 2018 » Analysis

Why the first investment company matters

Oct 2018 » Investments

Top 5 ways technology is changing asset management

Oct 2018 » People

3 minute SEO: Omar Kodmani

Oct 2018 » Opinion

Be warned: Bitcoin's energy costs can threaten your investment

Oct 2018 » Opinion

Profile Christian Burgin CFA

Oct 2018 » Gender Diversity

Why we need to keep talking about diversity

Oct 2018 » People

Beyond the CFA: Alex Ma, CFA on why scuba diving is his passion

Oct 2018 » People

3 minute CEO: Andreas Utermann

Oct 2018 » Investments

Active or passive? Which is best for a global credit investor?

Oct 2018 » From the Archive

Co-ordination of Monetary Policies in the EEC

Oct 2018 » Investments

Top 8 ways the investment industry is changing

Oct 2018 » Analysis

Monetary implications for financial markets

Oct 2018 » Behavioural Finance

Can a behavioural theory on markets replace Efficient Market Hypothesis?

Oct 2018 » Asset Owners

Profile: Noorsurainah Tengah, CFA

Jun 2017 » Opinion

Winner of CFA UK and Brandes Essay competition 2017

Jun 2016 » Opinion

Winner of CFA UK and Brandes Essay competition 2016

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Fireside chat with Gina Miller

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion within an organisation: CFA Institute’s new DEI code

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Moving the needle on inclusion

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Enabling a just transition

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Day 3

» Inclusion and Diversity

Inclusion at the heart of ESG - Day 2