

Please find below an archive of our responses to proposed regulatory and accounting standards changes. The advocacy committees base responses on feedback direct from members and other CFA UK relevant committees.

 Date:  Response title:  Response to:   Topic:
Feb-25 CFA UK's response to FRC's Stewardship Code Review consultation
Feb-25 CFA UK and CFAI's letter in response to HMT's consultation on a UK Green Taxonomy
HM Treasury ESG
Jan-25 CFA UK and CFAI's letter in response to DWP's Pensions Review Phase 1
DWP Pensions
Dec-24 CFA UK & CFA Institute’s letter in response to HMT’s Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness Strategy - Call for Evidence HM Treasury Economy
Nov-24 CFA UK & CFA Institute’s letter in response to the IASB’s consultation on “Climate-related and Other Uncertainties in the Financial Statements-Proposed illustrative examples" IASB / IFRS Foundation  Climate Disclosures
Oct-24 Consultation on the new Public Offers and Admissions to Trading Regulations regime (CP24/12)
FCA Investor Disclosures
Oct-24 Value for Money Framework for DC Default Pensions: CP24/16
FCA Pensions
 Sept-24 CFA UK Scottish Committee open letter in the Financial Times: Labour’s finance sector ambitions should focus on Scotland Labour Government Scottish Investment Industry
 June-24 CFAI & CFA UK Response - 14 June 2024 - FRC Consultation FRC  Sustainability Reporting Assurance 
June-24 Response - 4 June 2024 - CFAUK Letter in response to consultation CP24-7 FCA  Investment Research
April-24  CFA UK's letter in response to TFMR's consultation on transition finance  TFMR's ESG
March-24 CFA UK letter in response to the FCA's Consultation Paper: “Primary Markets Effectiveness Review- Feedback to CP23/31 and detailed proposals for listing rules reforms” FCA Asset Management 
Dec-23  CFA UK’s Response to the Consultation on the draft guide from the Taskforce on Social Factors DWP  ESG
Oct-23 CFA UK Response to the DRWG on the proposed Code of Conduct for ESG Ratings Providers ICMA / IRSG ESG
Oct-23 CFA UK Response to UKEB on the proposed endorsement of new Supply Finance disclosures UKEB Corporate Reporting
CFA UK Response to the FRC on proposed changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code
FRC Corporate Governance
Sept-23 CFAUK Response to the FCA on GC23/2: Financial Promotions on Social Media FCA Fintech
Sept-23 CFA UK’s Response to the DWP and HMT’s joint call for evidence on pension trustee skills, capability, and culture  DWP/HMT  Pensions
Aug-23 HM Treasury Call for Evidence into Sexism in the City HMT  Culture
July-23 CFA UK’s Response to UKEB’s Invitation to Comment on their Draft Response Letter to the International Sustainability Standards Board (“ISSB”) on their agenda priorities 
UK Endorsement Board Accounting standards
July-22  Response form - July 2022 - Code and Standards Consultation UK Endorsement Board  Accounting standards
June-23 CFA UK response to HMT on the future regulatory regime for ESG Ratings HMT ESG
June-23 CFA UK response to the FCA on CP23/10: Primary Markets Effectiveness Review
FCA UK listing rules
June-23 CFA UK response to the PRA/FCA on DP1/23: Evaluation of SM&CR FCA/PRA  Conduct Regulation 
June-23  Response - June 2023 - DP1-23 FCA/PRA Conduct Regulation 
June-23  Response form - June 2022 - Transition Plan Taskforce TPT Private sector 
May-23 CFA UK response to the FCA on DP23/2: Updating & improving the UK regime for asset management FCA Asset Management
Mar-23 CFA UK response to HMT on PRIIPs and UK retail Disclosure HMT Fund Disclosures
Mar-23 CFA UK response to the DWP on Value for Money: A framework on metrics, standards and disclosures DWP Pensions/VFM
Mar-23 CFA UK response to TPR on The Defined Benefit Funding Code of Practice (Part II) TPR Pensions

CFA UK response to the FCA regarding CP22-20: Sustainable Disclosures Regulation and Investment Labels

FCA  Sustainability/ ESG
Nov-22 CFA UK response to the DWP regarding Broadening the Investment Opportunities of DC pension Schemes
DWP Pensions
Oct-22 CFA UK response to the DWP on Draft Regulations (Funding & Investment Strategy) for DB Pension Schemes DWP Pensions
May-22 CFA UK response to the FCA regarding protecting investors in authorised funds following the Russian invasion of Ukraine FCA Market regulation
May-22 CFA UK response to the DWP regarding Facilitating investment in illiquid assets DWP Pensions
Feb-22 CFA UK response to the FCA regarding CP21-36: A new Consumer Duty FCA Ethics & conduct regulation
Feb-22 CFA UK response to HM Treasury regarding their reform proposals to the Future Regulatory Framework Review
HMT Financial Regulation
May-23  CFA UK response to the FCA's Discussion Paper 23/1 - Finance for positive sustainable change: governance, incentives and competence in regulated firms FCA   Asset Management