As specialists in the investment industry, we use reports and whitepapers to share our insights.
We think it’s important everyone uses their voice. At CFA UK, we use ours to deliver thought leadership that guides and shapes the investment industry. Our members are specialists in their fields, and their research educates and inspires our community to drive change. Reports and whitepapers are how we share our voice with the world.
Investing sustainably and ethically is a minefield. Building on the framework provided by the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, CFA UK have created a suite of case studies to help investment professionals navigate awkward or contentious situations in sustainable investment. Each case tackles ethical and conduct challenges outside of regulations in any specific jurisdiction.
CFA UK would like to thank the following members for their contributions towards this document: Jose C Valer, CFA, Emily Barnard, CFA, Jacopo Gadani, CFA, Dmitri Govorov, CFA, David Manuel, ASIP, Stephen Metcalf, CFA, Natalie Gregoire-Skeete, CFA, Yuhan Zhang, CFA
When regulations in finance change, we represent the needs of our members. CFA UK, with direct feedback from volunteers, releases responses to proposed changes in regulations and standards. Our advocacy is what allows us to drive the investment profession forward. And, by doing this, we represent the investors in our community with one voice to help us achieve our shared goals.
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