Wednesday webinar at one: Managing your stress

Wednesday 11 May 2022 | 13:00 - 13:40 | Webinar

This session is brought to you by CFA UK’s Soft Skills working group

PQ, the Physiological Quotient, represents the 3rd dimension of executive performance management, sitting alongside IQ and EQ as a fundamental determinant of personal and collective growth and impact.

Expertise from elite sports science and the increasing precision of consumer wearable technologies are offering powerful insights into the complex drivers of productivity in the contemporary workplace. Issues of wellbeing, resilience, mental health and broader diversity can now be additionally addressed empirically.

This session will show how data is collected non-invasively, what samples of stress and recovery look like across professional workforces and suggest measures for self-management that will support individuals sustain performance, based upon scientific profiling.

At a strategic level, it is clear that boards of directors and senior leadership face new ESG challenges relating to executive physiology. Are they sufficiently informed to lead in this area? How can the shortfall be remedied systematically?

Where recordings are made, these are a member benefit that are accessed through the member-only platform, CFA UK Discover.


Registration: 12:55

Event: 13:00 - 13:40 


Andrew Macdonald, Founder, CEO, Executive Coach, PQ Perform

Andrew Macdonald has 20 years experience in capital markets sales, management & executive leadership. He retired from Merrill Lynch after 9 years in 2005 as a Managing Director.
He has spent 16 years as an executive coach within leading global financial institutions, fortune 500 and FTSE100 companies and government institutions. He Founded PQ (lboro) Limited in 2019 to introduce physiological assessment to the executive workplace. He is a graduate of Oxford University

Andrew identifies himself as a performance coach whose focus centres upon the potential of the executive he is working with. Consequently, the process of establishing an accurate diagnostic assessment of the complex interplay of expectations and situation is fundamental. He asks questions of both the individual and the sponsoring HR department and manager.

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