Black Professionals Working Group

Black Professionals

Addressing black diversity in asset management
Join CFA UK Black Professionals Network

Recent months have highlighted a lot of change and the racial justice movement sweeping the world has brought the issue of ethnicity to the forefront of our minds. Diversity and inclusion are core to creating successful business practices and valuing everyone so there is a sense of belonging has never been more important.

The barriers and challenges faced by people of colour and marginalised communities have led to the asset management industry being under-represented from these groups. We have set up a new Black Professionals Working Group to explore the issues faced by the black community and to look at ways we can influence positive change.

Supporting the work that is already happening via the Diversity Project, #TalkAboutBlack – CFA UK can amplify and tell the stories of black professionals to encourage others and be visible to the rest of the industry.

The aims of the Black Professionals Working Group are:

  • To encourage black people to come into the industry by sharing experiences and acting as role models
  • To retain black professionals once they are in the industry by championing ethnic diversity at senior levels
  • To contribute and raise awareness and understanding of issues black people face in the industry
  • To build a sense of community and belonging to keep the industry in account

Join our network online and start to make connections: