Mount Kilimanjaro

Summer fun with CFA UK

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Fly the CFA UK flag on your Summer adventure


Indian Ocean Mountain

Slavko Davidovic, CFA, a Proud CFA UK Charterholder, recently took the CFA UK flag on two unforgettable journeys – from the top of the world to the bottom. 

In June, he climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain on earth. The 19,341-foot mountain didn't stop his adventure... A few weeks later, he took the CFA UK flag to the bottom of the Indian Ocean which is over 7,250 metres deep. We can only dream of where the CFA UK flag will end up next – perhaps in space? 

We are calling on CFA UK members to challenge Slavko and ‘Fly the CFA UK flag’, whether it is exploring vibrant cities, sunbathing on golden sands, admiring picturesque views or camping with the kids – whatever your summer adventure share it with us. Join the conversation by using #ProudCharterholder via @cfauk on Twitter or you can share via email to

Every CFA UK entry will get a CFA pin badge. Download the CFA UK flag and get started on your very own adventure.

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